Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17, 2012 Class

Today in class were were able to talk about discipline in healthcare. I found this discussion/class very interesting as I am just now starting my career in the healthcare field. It was enlightening to go through the discipline process that the manager goes through when disciplining an employee. Discipline is an essential part of running an effective organization or business. The first step that we talked about was the verbal warning. This warning is only in effect for a year. The next step is the written warning. The third step is the "final" written warning, followed by termination. We also discussed at will employment. I found out during this course that this "at will" employment is something that is much more beneficial to the employer then the employee. Another pearl of wisdom learned from today's class discussion is to never discipline an employee on Friday. Why? Well the employee will sit and stew about this discipline all weekend long and come back unfocused to work on Monday. If a manager disciplines during the week, the employee will be able to process the situation and return their focus to work much quicker then if they have a lot of time to dwell on the situation. Overall this class was a great overview of why discipline is necessary and how it is done in work place.

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